An Auto mechanic charges $45 for a house call plus $30 per hour for any work done For one cilent's house call the mechanic charges a total of T dollars

Which equation represents this situation where h is the number of hours of work done
A - T = 30h +45
B - T = 30(h+45)
C - T = 45h+30
D - T =45(h+30)

im not sure


That's correct!

The total cost, T, is the sum of the cost of the house call, $45, and the cost of the work done, which is $30 per hour multiplied by the number of hours, h.

So, the equation is:

T = $45 + ($30/hour x h)

which simplifies to:

T = $45 + $30h

Well, I must say, it sounds like this auto mechanic is quite the mathematician, juggling numbers and making house calls! Let's see which equation represents this situation:

A) T = 30h + 45
B) T = 30(h + 45)
C) T = 45h + 30
D) T = 45(h + 30)

Now, we know that the mechanic charges $45 for the house call itself, and then an additional $30 per hour for any work done. So, if the mechanic works for h hours, the equation that represents this situation is:

T = 30h + 45

Hence, the correct option is A - T = 30h + 45.

Oh, the balancing act of numbers and equations!

The equation that represents this situation is A - T = 30h + 45.

To understand why, let's break down the information given in the problem:

- The mechanic charges a fixed amount of $45 for a house call, regardless of the amount of work done.
- The mechanic also charges $30 per hour for any work done.

Let's break down the equation:

- A represents the total amount charged, which is equal to the sum of the house call fee and the work done.
- T represents the total amount specifically charged for the work done.
- 30h represents the cost of the work done, as it is $30 per hour of work.
- 45 represents the fixed fee for the house call.

So, combining these pieces of information, we can say that the total amount charged (A) minus the amount specifically charged for the work done (T) must equal the cost of the work done (30h) plus the fixed fee for the house call (45). Therefore, the correct equation is A - T = 30h + 45.

$30 per hour means you will have 30h

so, what do you think?