
This is a mathematical expression. To evaluate this expression, we would need values for b and y. Without specific values, we cannot simplify or find the result of the expression.

To simplify the expression 30b + 60y, you can factor out the greatest common factor, which is 30.

Step 1: factor out 30
30(b + 2y)

So, the simplified expression is 30(b + 2y).

To solve the expression 30b + 60y, you need to have specific values for 'b' and 'y'. This expression represents a mathematical equation with two variables. In order to find the final value, you would substitute the given values for 'b' and 'y' into the equation and perform the necessary calculations.

For example, let's say 'b' is 5 and 'y' is 3. To find the value of the expression 30b + 60y with these values, you would substitute them into the equation:

30(5) + 60(3)

Now, you can calculate the result:

150 + 180 = 330

So, with 'b' equal to 5 and 'y' equal to 3, the expression 30b + 60y evaluates to 330. Remember that the result will change depending on the given values for 'b' and 'y'.

What is the answer for b and y

I apologize for the confusion. Since you haven't provided any specific values for 'b' and 'y', I am unable to provide an answer to the expression 30b + 60y. To find the answer, you need to substitute specific values for 'b' and 'y' into the expression. If you provide values for 'b' and 'y', I will be able to help you find the answer.