Cara is interested in improving her presentation skills to enhance her employability. Which search term should she use to find the most relevant resources?

Effective communication techniques.

Tips for presenting to an audience.

How to write a speech.

Non-verbal communication cues.

Tips for presenting to an audience.

Tips for presenting to an audience.

To find the most relevant resources for improving presentation skills and enhancing employability, Cara can use the search term "Tips for presenting to an audience."

This search term is specific to the area Cara wants to focus on, which is presentations. By searching for tips on presenting to an audience, Cara will likely find a variety of resources that can help her improve her presentation skills, such as articles, videos, tutorials, and guides.

While the other search terms like "Effective communication techniques," "How to write a speech," and "Non-verbal communication cues" are all related to presentation skills, they are more specific to certain aspects of presentations. For example, "Effective communication techniques" may cover a broader range of communication skills beyond just presentations. "How to write a speech" is focused specifically on the content creation aspect of presentations, while "Non-verbal communication cues" focuses on one specific aspect of presenting.

Therefore, "Tips for presenting to an audience" is likely to yield the most relevant and helpful resources for Cara's specific goal of improving her presentation skills to enhance employability.