In 3–5 sentences, define what a search term is and explain how to use search terms most effectively

A search term is a keyword or phrase that is entered into a search engine to find relevant information. To use search terms most effectively, it's important to use specific and relevant keywords that accurately describe the content you're trying to find. Using too many broad or generic terms can result in irrelevant search results, so it's best to narrow down your search terms to ensure you receive the most relevant and useful information.

A search term is a specific word or phrase that is entered into a search engine to find information on a specific topic. To use search terms effectively, it is important to be clear and specific about what you are looking for. Use relevant keywords that are related to your topic and consider using quotation marks for exact phrases. Additionally, use advanced search features such as filters, boolean operators (e.g., AND, OR), and site-specific searches to refine your results and retrieve more accurate and targeted information.

A search term, also known as a keyword, is a word or phrase used to search for information on search engines or databases. It helps users find relevant content by matching their search query with the indexed information. To use search terms effectively, be specific and concise with your query, focusing on the main idea or topic you're looking for. Avoid using broad terms or complete sentences, and consider using quotation marks for phrases to get more precise results. Additionally, using search filters or advanced search options can refine your search further.