Mpho is interested in remote job opportunities in accounting. Besides “remote accounting jobs”, which related search term could she include in her search for a wider range of work options?

Accounting internships.

Telecommuting accounting vacancies

Local accounting positions.

Virtual reality development opportunities.

Telecommuting accounting vacancies

To search for a wider range of remote job opportunities in accounting, Mpho could also include the search term "telecommuting accounting vacancies." This term specifically focuses on accounting positions that allow employees to work remotely. Additionally, searching for "accounting internships" could provide Mpho with entry-level remote opportunities in the accounting field. On the other hand, including terms such as "local accounting positions" or "virtual reality development opportunities" may not directly yield remote job options in accounting.

To find a wider range of remote job opportunities in accounting, Mpho can include the search term "telecommuting accounting vacancies" in her search. This term specifically focuses on accounting positions that allow employees to work remotely. By using this search term, Mpho can potentially find more options that are specifically tailored to remote work in the accounting field.