“Players are judged on their own performance, not on anyone else's, and on the basis of their ability, not on some other arbitrary fact." What is the meaning of the word arbitrary as it is used in the text? (1 point) Responses random random remote remote telling telling trusted

The meaning of the word "arbitrary" as used in the text is random.

What led psychologist Roger Barnsley to conclude that being born early in the year might contribute to success in sports? (1 point) Responses watching hockey players watching hockey players comparing hockey scores comparing hockey scores examining hockey rosters examining hockey rosters interviewing hockey coaches

Based on the given options, the correct answer would be "examining hockey rosters". It is likely that psychologist Roger Barnsley concluded that being born early in the year might contribute to success in sports through examining hockey rosters.

“Barnsley, his wife, and a colleague, A.H. Thompson, then gathered statistics on every player in the Ontario Junior Hockey League. The story was the same. More players were born in January than in any other month, and by an overwhelming margin. The second most frequent birth month? February. The third? March." Based on the information in this passage, which month is most likely the least frequent birth month of players in the Ontario Junior Hockey League? (1 point) Responses July July August August November November December

Based on the information in the passage, the most likely least frequent birth month of players in the Ontario Junior Hockey League would be December.

How does Denmark handle grade school education differently from other countries? (1 point) Responses It gives younger students more classroom help. It gives younger students more classroom help. It assigns classes based on students' birth dates. It assigns classes based on students' birth dates. It tracks how students' ages affect their test scores. It tracks how students' ages affect their test scores. It waits until students are ten to start ability grouping.

Based on the given options, the most appropriate answer would be "It assigns classes based on students' birth dates." Denmark handles grade school education differently from other countries by assigning classes based on students' birth dates.

How does Gladwell most likely want readers to feel after he explains the "Matthew Effect"? (1 point) Responses ashamed ashamed foolish foolish motivated motivated overwhelmed

Based on the information given, it is not possible to determine how Gladwell most likely wants readers to feel after explaining the "Matthew Effect."