Use the ratio1,000 grams=1 kilogram. How many grams equal to 2.75 kilograms?

To find the number of grams equal to 2.75 kilograms, you can use the given ratio of 1,000 grams per 1 kilogram.

2.75 kilograms * 1,000 grams/1 kilogram = 2,750 grams

Thus, 2.75 kilograms is equal to 2,750 grams.

To solve this problem, we can use a simple proportion using the given ratio.

First, let's set up the proportion:
1 kilogram / 1,000 grams = 2.75 kilograms / x grams

Cross-multiplying the proportion, we get:
1 kilogram * x grams = 2.75 kilograms * 1,000 grams

Simplifying, we have:
x grams = 2,750 grams

Therefore, 2.75 kilograms is equal to 2,750 grams.

To find out how many grams equal to 2.75 kilograms, you can use the given ratio of 1,000 grams = 1 kilogram.

First, you need to convert kilograms to grams. Since there are 1,000 grams in 1 kilogram, you can multiply 2.75 kilograms by 1,000 grams/kilogram.

2.75 kilograms * 1,000 grams/kilogram = 2,750 grams

Therefore, 2.75 kilograms is equal to 2,750 grams.