Use the ratio 1.000 grams = 1 kilogram. How many grams are equal to 2.75 kilograms?

To determine the number of grams that are equal to 2.75 kilograms, we need to multiply 2.75 by the conversion factor.

Conversion factor: 1.000 grams = 1 kilogram

2.75 kilograms * 1.000 grams/1 kilogram = 2.75 * 1000 grams/kilogram

= 2750 grams

Therefore, 2.75 kilograms is equal to 2750 grams.

To find out how many grams are equal to 2.75 kilograms, we can use the provided ratio of 1.000 grams = 1 kilogram.

Step 1: Start with the given quantity in kilograms: 2.75 kilograms.

Step 2: Since 1 kilogram is equal to 1,000 grams, we need to multiply the given quantity in kilograms by 1,000 to convert it to grams.

2.75 kilograms * 1,000 grams/1 kilogram = 2,750 grams.

Therefore, 2.75 kilograms is equal to 2,750 grams.

To convert from kilograms to grams, we can use the given ratio: 1.000 grams = 1 kilogram.

To find out how many grams are equal to 2.75 kilograms, we can set up a proportion:

1 kilogram / 1.000 grams = 2.75 kilograms / x grams

Cross multiplying, we get:

1 kilogram * x grams = 1.000 grams * 2.75 kilograms

Simplifying, we have:

x grams = 2.75 * 1.000 grams

Multiplying 2.75 by 1.000, we find:

x grams = 2.75 grams

Therefore, 2.75 kilograms is equal to 2.75 grams.