(1 point)


an occupation a person has.
an occupation a person has.

an important person in the community
an important person in the community

someone who performs an action
someone who performs an action

a goal that people want to do

a goal that people want to do

a goal that people want to do

a goal that people want to do

To find the answer to this question, you can start by considering common goals people might have. There are countless goals that individuals may want to achieve, ranging from personal aspirations to professional ambitions.

One way to identify a goal that people commonly strive for is by examining societal norms and expectations. For example, many individuals pursue goals such as obtaining an education, building a successful career, getting married, starting a family, traveling the world, or contributing to a meaningful cause. These goals are often influenced by factors like personal values, cultural values, and social pressures.

Additionally, you can look to surveys, studies, or polls that ask people about their goals or aspirations. Researchers often conduct research to understand common goals people have in different life domains, such as relationships, health, personal growth, and leisure activities.

It's important to note that people's goals can vary greatly depending on individual preferences, values, and life circumstances. So, it's always helpful to consider personal perspectives and experiences when discussing goals.

Overall, by examining societal norms, researching existing studies, or considering personal experiences and preferences, you can gain insight into the goals that people commonly want to achieve.