Multiple Choice

What type of point of view is used in The Call of the Wild?
(1 point)

first person
first person

third-person limited
third-person limited

third-person omniscient

third-person limited

The type of point of view used in The Call of the Wild is third-person omniscient.

To determine the type of point of view used in "The Call of the Wild," we need to understand the different options and then analyze the narrative style of the story.

1. First person: This point of view tells the story from the perspective of one character using pronouns like "I" and "me." It provides insight into the character's thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

2. Third-person limited: This point of view describes the story from an external perspective but focuses on the thoughts and feelings of a single character. It uses pronouns like "he" or "she" and provides details from the selected character's perspective.

3. Third-person omniscient: With this point of view, the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the story. It uses pronouns like "he" or "she" and grants a broader, more all-knowing perspective.

To determine the point of view in "The Call of the Wild," we should examine the narrative style. In this novel, the story is narrated by an external narrator who describes the events and the thoughts and experiences of the main character, Buck. However, the narrator does not have access to the thoughts or feelings of other characters. Therefore, the point of view used in "The Call of the Wild" is third-person limited.

According to The Call of the Wild, what can you conclude about Buck's life in the Santa Clara Valley?

(1 point)

It was harsh and difficult.
It was harsh and difficult.

It was happy and easy.
It was happy and easy.

It was hard work and boring.
It was hard work and boring.