Multiple Choice

What type of point of view is used in The Call of the Wild?
(1 point)

first person
first person

third-person limited
third-person limited

third-person omniscient

third-person limited

The type of point of view used in The Call of the Wild is third-person limited.

To determine which type of point of view is used in The Call of the Wild, we can look for clues within the text.

First-person point of view is indicated by the use of pronouns like "I" or "we," and the narrator is usually a character in the story who refers to their own experiences or thoughts. In this case, if the story were told from the perspective of one of the characters in The Call of the Wild, it would be in first person.

Third-person limited point of view involves a narrator who knows the thoughts and feelings of only one character. The narrator uses pronouns like "he" or "she" to refer to the characters. The story is told from the perspective of this specific character, and the narrator cannot access the thoughts or feelings of other characters.

Third-person omniscient point of view is indicated by a narrator who knows the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the story. The narrator can move freely between different characters' perspectives and provides insights into their internal lives.

Now, to determine which point of view is used in The Call of the Wild, we would need to read or research the book. By examining the language and narration within the story, we can identify the type of point of view used.