Which case found that minors could not be sentenced to

mandatory life without the possibility of parole for homicide?
(1 point)

Atkins v. Virginia

Graham v. Florida
Miller v. Alabama

Coker v. Georgia

The correct answer is Miller v. Alabama

The case that found that minors could not be sentenced to mandatory life without the possibility of parole for homicide is Miller v. Alabama.

The case that found that minors could not be sentenced to mandatory life without the possibility of parole for homicide is Miller v. Alabama. To arrive at this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by understanding the background of the question. It asks about a case related to minors being sentenced to mandatory life without parole for homicide.

2. Read through the given options: Atkins v. Virginia, Graham v. Florida, Miller v. Alabama, and Coker v. Georgia.

3. To narrow down the options, eliminate ones that are unrelated to the question. Atkins v. Virginia deals with the execution of mentally disabled individuals, not minors. Graham v. Florida addresses the imposition of life without parole sentences for non-homicidal offenses committed by minors. Coker v. Georgia pertains to the death penalty for offenses, not homicide.

4. Based on the remaining option, Miller v. Alabama, it directly relates to the question, as it involved the sentencing of minors to mandatory life without parole for homicide.

Therefore, the correct answer is Miller v. Alabama.