Use the sentence to answer the question.

Annika tried to get her little brother to bed, but he was ______________.

Which of the following words best completes the sentence? Use a reference source if you need help determining the part of speech for each word.

(1 point)






The word that best completes the sentence is "defiant."

To answer this question, let's break down the sentence and determine what word would best fit in the blank.

The sentence states that Annika tried to get her little brother to bed, but he was ______________. Given the context, we are looking for a word that describes the brother's behavior or attitude.

Now, let's examine the options:

1. defiantly (adverb) - This word describes an action done in a defiant manner. In this context, it suggests that the brother was actively resisting going to bed in a challenging and disobedient way.

2. defiant (adjective) - This word describes a person's disposition or behavior characterized by defiance, which implies resistance and disobedience.

3. defiance (noun) - This word refers to the act of resisting or challenging authority or instructions. It represents a state of opposition.

4. defy (verb) - This word means to openly resist or challenge someone or something.

Considering the context of the sentence, the best option to complete the sentence would be "defiant" (adjective). It accurately captures the brother's behavior of resisting going to bed.

To verify this answer, you can consult any reliable reference source like a dictionary to confirm the definition and part of speech for each word provided.