Use the sentence to answer the question.

Annika tried to get her little brother to bed, but he was ______________.

Which of the following words best completes the sentence? Use a reference source if you need help determining the part of speech for each word.

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The best word to complete the sentence would be "defiant."

The word that best completes the sentence is "defiantly".

To answer the question, we need to determine the best word to complete the sentence. The word needs to describe Annika's little brother's behavior or attitude. To do this, we need to understand the meaning and part of speech of each option.

1. Defiance: This is a noun that means a refusal to obey or comply with someone or something.
2. Defiant: This is an adjective that means showing resistance or disobedience.
3. Defy: This is a verb that means to openly resist or refuse to obey someone or something.
4. Defiantly: This is an adverb that means in a manner that shows resistance or disobedience.

In the context of the sentence, we need a word that describes the behavior or attitude of Annika's little brother. Out of the options, "defiant" (adjective) best fits the sentence. It shows that he was displaying resistance or disobedience.

So, the correct answer is:
