Annika tried to get her little brother to bed, but he was

Which of the following words best completes the sentence?
Use a reference source if you need help determining the part of speech for each word.
O defy
• defiance
• defiantly


The word that best completes the sentence is "defiant."

To determine which word best completes the sentence, we need to understand the context and the part of speech required. In this case, the sentence is describing Annika's little brother's behavior, indicating that a word describing his behavior is needed.

To find the part of speech for each word choice, it is helpful to consult a reference source such as a dictionary or a reliable online resource.

Looking up each word:

- "defiant" (adjective) means showing defiance or refusal to obey authority or rules.
- "defy" (verb) means to openly resist or refuse to obey.
- "defiance" (noun) means open resistance or refusal to obey.
- "defiantly" (adverb) means in a manner showing defiance or resistance.

Considering the sentence context, the word that best completes the sentence is "defiant," as it describes the little brother's behavior in resisting going to bed.