Use an online dictionary to answer the following questions.

What syllable is stressed in the word morality?
What part of speech is morality?

According to an online dictionary, the syllable stressed in the word "morality" is the second syllable, "ral".

The part of speech for "morality" is a noun.

To find the answers to your questions, I'll use an online dictionary. Here are the results:

1. Syllable stress: Based on the online dictionary, the word "morality" is pronounced with stress on the second syllable, which is "ral."

2. Part of speech: The online dictionary identifies "morality" as a noun.

To find the answers to these questions using an online dictionary, follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser and navigate to an online dictionary website. Some popular options include Merriam-Webster ( or Oxford English Dictionary (

2. In the search bar, type "morality" and press Enter or click on the search icon.

3. Look for the word "morality" in the search results and click on it to view the full entry.

4. To determine the stressed syllable in "morality," look for a pronunciation guide or phonetic transcription in the dictionary entry. It may be represented using special symbols or diacritical marks. The stressed syllable is usually marked with an accent or emphasized in some way.

5. To identify the part of speech, locate the relevant section in the dictionary entry. It could be listed as "noun," "adjective," "verb," etc.

6. Read the definitions, usage examples, and any additional information provided in the dictionary entry to gather a comprehensive understanding of the word "morality."

Using an online dictionary, you will be able to find the answers to both questions efficiently and accurately.