Use the dictionary entry to help you answer the following question.

Which syllable is stressed in the word exception?

(1 point)

first syllable
first syllable

second syllable
second syllable

third syllable
third syllable

there are no stressed syllables

The dictionary entry does not provide information on the stressed syllable of the word "exception."

To determine the stressed syllable in the word "exception," you can refer to the dictionary entry. However, since the dictionary entry was not provided, I am unable to provide a definitive answer. Please provide the specific dictionary entry for the word "exception" to assist you further.

To determine the stressed syllable in the word "exception," you can refer to the dictionary entry. Unfortunately, since you didn't provide the specific dictionary entry, I will explain the general process of finding the stressed syllable using a dictionary.

When you look up a word in the dictionary, you will usually find the word's phonetic transcription represented using symbols or a system like the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). In the phonetic transcription, stress is typically indicated by a stress mark, often in the form of a vertical line ( ́ ) placed before or above the stressed syllable.

Once you have located the phonetic transcription for the word "exception" in the dictionary, look for the stress mark. The syllable that has the stress mark is the stressed syllable in the word.

If you are using an online dictionary, you can search for the word "exception" and check for the stress mark in the phonetic transcription provided. If you have a physical dictionary, look up the word and find the phonetic transcription, often located after the word's definition, and identify the presence of a stress mark.

Once you have identified the stressed syllable, you can answer the question based on your findings.

Use the dictionary entry to help you answer the following question.

What part of speech is the word exception?

(1 point)




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Since the dictionary entry was not provided, I cannot determine the part of speech for the word "exception." Please provide the specific dictionary entry for the word in order to assist you further.