Use the dictionary entry to help you answer the following question.

Of exception used in the dictionary

Which syllable is stressed in the word exception?

(1 point)

first syllable
first syllable

second syllable
second syllable

third syllable
third syllable

there are no stressed syllables
there are no stressed syllables
Question 2
Use the dictionary entry to help you answer the following question.

What part of speech is the word exception?

(1 point)




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To answer the question about which syllable is stressed in the word "exception," you can look at the dictionary entry for the word.

If you have access to a physical dictionary, you can find the word "exception" and look for the symbol ˈ or ' before any of the syllables. This symbol indicates which syllable is stressed. In the absence of this symbol, it means there are no stressed syllables.

If you have access to an online dictionary, you can search for the word "exception" on a reliable dictionary website. The pronunciation guide in the dictionary entry will indicate which syllable is stressed either through the use of symbols or bolding or capitalization of the stressed syllable.

For the question about the part of speech of the word "exception," you can again refer to the dictionary entry.

In the dictionary entry, you'll find information about the word's grammatical category or part of speech. It will typically be labeled as a noun, adjective, adverb, or verb.

By looking at the dictionary entry, you can find the correct answer to both questions.