What evidence did the Turtle Bayou Resolutions give to show that the Texas settlers were loyal to Mexico?(1 point)


The resolutions claimed that the Texas settlers would not go to war with Mexico.
The resolutions claimed that the Texas settlers would not go to war with Mexico.

The resolutions labeled the Texas settlers as centralists.
The resolutions labeled the Texas settlers as centralists.

The resolutions claimed the Texas settlers wanted to separate from Mexico.
The resolutions claimed the Texas settlers wanted to separate from Mexico.

The resolutions labeled the Texas settlers as federalists.

The resolutions labeled the Texas settlers as federalists.

The correct answer is: The resolutions claimed that the Texas settlers would not go to war with Mexico.

The Turtle Bayou Resolutions were a set of documents created by the Texas settlers in 1832 in response to the arrest of Stephen F. Austin by Mexican authorities. These resolutions were meant to explain the settlers' position and prove their loyalty to Mexico.

Evidence from the Turtle Bayou Resolutions that demonstrates the Texas settlers' loyalty to Mexico includes:

1. The resolutions claimed that the Texas settlers would not go to war with Mexico. This showed their commitment to peaceful resolution and maintaining a good relationship with Mexico.

2. The resolutions labeled the Texas settlers as centralists. Centralists were individuals who supported a strong central government, which in this case would be the Mexican government. By aligning themselves as centralists, the Texas settlers were expressing their allegiance to Mexico's central authority.

3. The resolutions claimed that the Texas settlers wanted to separate from Mexico. While this might seem contradictory to loyalty, the Texas settlers specifically stated that their desire for separation was not from Mexico itself but from the oppressive government that had emerged under certain Mexican officials. They hoped for a return to the principles of the Mexican Constitution of 1824.

Therefore, among the given options, the evidence from the Turtle Bayou Resolutions that demonstrates the Texas settlers' loyalty to Mexico is that the resolutions claimed that the Texas settlers would not go to war with Mexico.