Which of the following is an example of event-driven code?(1 point)


import turtle
t = turtle.Turtle()
wn = turtle.Screen()
import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() wn = turtle.Screen()

for i in range(x):
for j in range(y):
t.right(360 / y)
t.right(360 / x)
for i in range(x): for j in range(y): t.forward(z) t.right(360 / y) t.right(360 / x)

def h1():
wn.onkey(h1, "Up")
def h1(): t.forward(30) wn.onkey(h1, "Up")

t = turtle.Turtle()
wn = turtle.Screen()
t = turtle.Turtle() wn = turtle.Screen() wn.setColor("red") t.pd() t.speed(0)

The correct answer is:

def h1():
wn.onkey(h1, "Up")

The example of event-driven code from the given options is:

def h1():
wn.onkey(h1, "Up")

A group of students is writing a program that will convert their letter grades into a 4.0 scale. For their program, they want a letter grade to be entered to be converted into the program. Which programming construct should be used to accomplish the selection and conversion?(1 point)




while loop
while loop

for loop

The correct answer is: if-then-else

The example of event-driven code in this scenario is:

def h1():
wn.onkey(h1, "Up")

Event-driven code is characterized by responding to specific events or inputs. In this example, we define a function called h1 that moves the turtle (t) forward by 30 units. Then, we use the wn.onkey() method to bind this function to the "Up" key press event. This means that whenever the "Up" key is pressed, the h1 function will be called, and the turtle will move forward.

To determine which of the given options is an example of event-driven code, we can go through each option and analyze if it meets the criteria.

Option 1: import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() wn = turtle.Screen()
This is not an example of event-driven code as it is only importing the turtle module and creating a turtle object and screen object.

Option 2: for i in range(x): for j in range(y): t.forward(z) t.right(360 / y) t.right(360 / x)
This is a snippet of code using loops to move the turtle, but it is not event-driven. It does not respond to any specific events or inputs.

Option 3: def h1(): t.forward(30) wn.onkey(h1, "Up")
This is the correct example of event-driven code. It defines a function (h1) that moves the turtle forward and then uses the wn.onkey() method to bind the function to the "Up" key press event. Whenever the "Up" key is pressed, the turtle will move forward.

Option 4: t = turtle.Turtle() wn = turtle.Screen() wn.setColor("red") t.pd() t.speed(0)
This is not an example of event-driven code. It is setting some properties of the turtle and screen objects but does not involve responding to events or inputs.

Therefore, the correct answer is the third option:

def h1():
wn.onkey(h1, "Up")