Which of the following is an example of sequential-driven code?(1 point)


1.) for i in range (x) :
for j in range (y) :
t.forward (z)
t.right (360 / y)
t.right (360 / x)
wn.listen ()
wn.mainloop ()

2.) Wn.onkey (picture, "p")
wn.listen ()
wn.mainloop ()
3.) def h1 () :
t.forward (30)
def h2 () :
t.left (45)
def h3 () :
t.right (45)
wn.onkey (h1, "Up")
wn.onkey (h2, "Left")
wn.onkey (h3, "(Right")
4.) wn.onclick (f)
wn.listen ()
wn.mainloop ()

Event & Sequential-Driven Programming Quick Check 2 of 52 of 5 Items Question Which of the following is an example of event-driven code?(1 point)

1.) for i in range(x): for j in range(y): t.forward(z) t.right(360 / y) t.right(360 / x)
2.) def h1(): t.forward(30) wn.onkey(h1, "Up" )
3.) t = turtle.Turtle() wn = turtle.Screen() wn.setColor("red" ) t.pd() t.speed(0)
4.) import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() wn = turtle.Screen() import turtle t = turtle.Turtle() wn = turtle.Screen()

2.) def h1(): t.forward(30) wn.onkey(h1, "Up" )

A group of students is writing a program that will convert their letter grades into a 4.0 scale. For their program, they want a letter grade to be entered to be converted into the program. Which programming construct should be used to accomplish the selection and conversion?(1 point)

1.) condition
2.) if-then-else
3.) for loop
4.) while loop

2.) if-then-else

Students are developing a program to find the roots of a quadratic equation given the coefficients of the variables. What would be the first step in ideation?(1 point)

1.) Test the program.
2.) Code the program.
3.) Determine the programming constructs needed.
4.) List the steps of an algorithm.

4.) List the steps of an algorithm.

A group of students wants to develop a calculator to reduce a fraction. The steps to do so are laid out in their math book as follows:

Express both the numerator (top number) and denominator (bottom number)
as a product of their prime factors.
Strike out any common factors.
Multiply the remaining numbers to obtain the reduced numerator and denominator. Which of the following elements would be appropriate to use in the algorithm?

1.) two queues to pop out the prime factors for comparison
2.) a queue and a stack to pop out the prime factors for comparison
3.) two lists to hold the prime factors for comparison
4.) two stacks to pop out the prime factors for comparison

1.) for i in range (x) :

for j in range (y) :
t.forward (z)
t.right (360 / y)
t.right (360 / x)
wn.listen ()
wn.mainloop ()

3.) two lists to hold the prime factors for comparison

The example of sequential-driven code among the options provided is:


This code snippet includes nested loops that iterate over the given ranges of `x` and `y`. It sequentially executes the turtle commands `t.forward(z)` and `t.right(360 / y)` within the nested loops. After completing the nested loops, it then executes the `wn.listen()` and `wn.mainloop()` functions, possibly indicating that it is waiting for user input or events before proceeding.

To identify the sequential-driven code in this case, one needs to analyze the provided code options and look for patterns that indicate a sequential flow of execution. In this case, the presence of loops and subsequent function calls suggests a sequential-driven approach.

Upon analyzing the other options:

2.) This code snippet involves an event-driven approach. It listens for a key press event (`"p"`) using the `Wn.onkey()` function, followed by the `wn.listen()` and `wn.mainloop()` functions for event processing.

3.) Similar to the previous example, this code snippet also follows an event-driven approach. It maps different functions to specific key press events ("Up", "Left", "Right") using the `wn.onkey()` function. The subsequent `wn.listen()` and `wn.mainloop()` functions indicate the event processing loop.

4.) The code snippet here is also event-driven, as it waits for a mouse click event using the `wn.onclick()` function. It then proceeds to execute the `wn.listen()` and `wn.mainloop()` functions for event processing.

Hence, the correct answer is option 1.) which follows a sequential-driven code approach.