Which of the following identifies a reason why the U.S. annexed Texas?

(1 point)
Texans supported abolition for peaceful independence.
All Americans supported annexation.
American settlers in Texas grew loyal to Mexico.
President Tyler believed that Polk’s election showed support for annexation

President Tyler believed that Polk’s election showed support for annexation.

Sam Houston

To identify the reason why the U.S. annexed Texas, we need to analyze each given option:

1. Texans supported abolition for peaceful independence: This option is not a reason for the U.S. annexation of Texas. While some Texans did support abolition (the movement to end slavery), it was not a driving factor for annexation.

2. All Americans supported annexation: This option is not accurate. While there were some Americans who supported annexation, it was not universally supported by the entire American population.

3. American settlers in Texas grew loyal to Mexico: This option is also incorrect. American settlers in Texas grew increasingly disloyal to Mexico as tensions rose, leading to the Texas Revolution and eventual annexation.

4. President Tyler believed that Polk’s election showed support for annexation: This option is the most accurate reason for the U.S. annexation of Texas. President Tyler, nearing the end of his term, believed that the election of President James K. Polk, who was a vocal advocate for annexation, showed popular support for territorial expansion. Tyler pushed for the annexation of Texas before leaving office as a way to secure his legacy and ensure the acquisition of new territory.

Therefore, the correct option is: President Tyler believed that Polk’s election showed support for annexation.

Who was the first president of the Republic of Texas? (1 point)

Sam Houston
John Tyler
James Polk
Martin Van Buren