In The Call of the Wild, Buck’s abduction from his home in California is an example of

a. dialect.

b. theme.

c. point of view.

d. rising action.

d. rising action.

The correct answer is d. rising action.

Rising action is a literary term used to describe the events in a story that build tension, develop the plot, and lead up to the climax. In The Call of the Wild, Buck's abduction from his home in California sets off a chain of events that drives the rest of the story. It is a crucial moment that propels Buck on a journey of self-discovery and survival in the harsh, unforgiving Klondike wilderness. Therefore, Buck's abduction is an example of rising action in the novel.

To determine the correct answer from the given options, let's analyze the question and the information provided.

In The Call of the Wild, Buck's abduction from his home in California refers to a specific event that takes place in the story. The options given are: a. dialect, b. theme, c. point of view, and d. rising action.

a. Dialect refers to the way characters speak, which does not directly relate to Buck's abduction.

b. Theme refers to the underlying message or main idea of a story. While Buck's abduction could be connected to certain themes in the novel, it does not directly represent a theme itself.

c. Point of view refers to the perspective from which the story is told, such as first-person or third-person. Buck's abduction is an event within the story and not related to the narrative perspective.

d. Rising action refers to the series of events that lead up to the climax of a story. Buck's abduction can be considered as a part of the rising action, as it plays a crucial role in setting up the subsequent events.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is d. rising action.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the key elements of a story and how they contribute to its structure. By identifying the purpose and significance of each option, we can eliminate those that are not relevant to the given scenario, thus arriving at the correct answer.