The diagram shows a cell.

Which statement best describes how the organelles labeled Y and Z work together to maintain homeostasis in the cell?

Organelle Y creates protein for food, which organelle Z uses to create energy.
Organelle Y creates sugar and oxygen, which organelle Z uses to create energy.
Organelle Z creates protein for food, which organelle Y uses to create energy.
Organelle Z creates sugar and oxygen, which organelle Y uses to create energy.


Organelle Z creates sugar and oxygen, which organelle Y uses to create energy.

The statement that best describes how the organelles labeled Y and Z work together to maintain homeostasis in the cell is option b: Organelle Y creates sugar and oxygen, which organelle Z uses to create energy.

To determine which statement best describes how the organelles labeled Y and Z work together to maintain homeostasis in the cell, we need to understand the functions of these organelles.

To find information about the organelles, we can refer to biology textbooks, scientific articles, or reputable online sources. Let's break down the answer choices:

a) Organelle Y creates protein for food, which organelle Z uses to create energy.
b) Organelle Y creates sugar and oxygen, which organelle Z uses to create energy.
c) Organelle Z creates protein for food, which organelle Y uses to create energy.
d) Organelle Z creates sugar and oxygen, which organelle Y uses to create energy.

Based on these options, we can eliminate options A and C since they have the roles of organelles Y and Z reversed.

Now, to determine the correct answer, we need to recall the functions of the labeled organelles Y and Z in the cell.

Organelle Y is likely the chloroplast, responsible for photosynthesis where it creates sugar (glucose) and oxygen using sunlight and carbon dioxide. This process is the primary source of energy for the cell.

Organelle Z is likely the mitochondria, responsible for cellular respiration where it uses sugar (glucose) and oxygen to produce ATP. ATP is the energy currency used by cells for all their activities.

Based on these functions, the correct answer would be:

b) Organelle Y creates sugar and oxygen, which organelle Z uses to create energy.

This choice correctly describes the process of photosynthesis in organelle Y, producing sugar and oxygen, which are then used by organelle Z (the mitochondria) to create energy through the process of cellular respiration.