The diagram shows a cell.

The cell is green and rectangular with two outer layers. The cell contains various organelles inside it. An organelle labeled Y has a double membrane, with layers folded inside it. An organelle labeled Z is green and has stacks of cylindrical disks inside it.

Which statement BEST describes how the organelles labeled Y and Z work together to maintain homeostasis in the cell?


Organelle Y creates sugar and oxygen, which organelle Z uses to release energy.

Organelle Z creates sugar and oxygen, which organelle Y uses to release energy.

Organelle Y creates protein for food, which organelle Z uses to release energy.

Organelle Z creates protein for food, which organelle Y uses to release energy

Based on the information given, none of the options accurately describe how organelles Y and Z work together to maintain homeostasis in the cell. The information provided about organelle Y suggests that it has a double membrane with folded layers inside, but no information is given about its function. Organelle Z is described as having stacks of cylindrical disks, but again, no information is given about its function. Therefore, without further information, it is not possible to determine how these organelles work together to maintain homeostasis in the cell.

Based on the given information, the organelles labeled Y and Z can be described as follows:

- Organelle Y has a double membrane with folded layers inside it.
- Organelle Z is green and has stacks of cylindrical disks inside it.

The correct answer could be C. Organelle Y creates protein for food, which organelle Z uses to release energy.

To determine the best answer, we need to understand the functions of organelles Y and Z.

Organelle Y is described as having a double membrane with folded layers inside it. This description suggests that organelle Y is likely the mitochondria, which is responsible for generating energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration.

Organelle Z is described as being green and having stacks of cylindrical disks. This description suggests that organelle Z is likely the chloroplast, which is responsible for photosynthesis, the process of converting sunlight into energy in the form of glucose and oxygen.

Based on these descriptions, we can eliminate options A and B because organelle Y (mitochondria) is responsible for releasing energy, not creating sugar and oxygen. Additionally, option C can be eliminated because organelle Y (mitochondria) does not create protein for food.

Therefore, the best answer is option D: Organelle Z (chloroplast) creates protein for food, which organelle Y (mitochondria) uses to release energy. The chloroplasts in the cell produce glucose (sugar) through photosynthesis, which is used as a source of energy by the mitochondria for cellular respiration.