Crude oil was formed millions of years ago from the remains of living things. Where is crude oil found today?

A. Inside living things that have died
B. Floating in the ocean
C. Under dry land and under the ocean
D. Inside rocks

C. Under dry land and under the ocean

C. Under dry land and under the ocean

The correct answer is C. Under dry land and under the ocean.

To understand where crude oil is found today, we need to look at its formation process. Crude oil, also known as petroleum, is derived from the remains of ancient marine organisms such as algae and zooplankton that lived millions of years ago. Over time, these organisms were buried under layers of sediment on the ocean floor.

The pressure, heat, and lack of oxygen underground caused a transformation of these organic materials into hydrocarbons, which are the main components of crude oil. As a result, crude oil accumulates in certain geological formations known as oil reservoirs or oil fields.

These oil reservoirs can be found in various locations, both onshore (under dry land) and offshore (under the ocean). On land, oil can be found in sedimentary rocks, which are layered rocks formed by the accumulation of sediment over time. Offshore, oil can be found beneath the seabed, where sedimentary rock formations also exist.

To extract crude oil, drilling rigs are used to penetrate the Earth's surface and reach these underground reservoirs. Then, pumps are employed to bring the oil to the surface for further processing and refining.

So, in conclusion, crude oil is mainly found today in oil reservoirs located both under dry land and under the ocean.