Crude oil was formed millions of years ago from the remains of living things. Where is crude oil found today?(1 point)

A.inside living things that
B.floating in the ocean
C.inside rocks
D.under dry land and under the ocean.

D. under dry land and under the ocean.

D. under dry land and under the ocean.

To determine where crude oil is found today, we need to understand the geological process that led to its formation. Crude oil was indeed formed millions of years ago from the remains of living organisms. Over time, these organic materials, such as algae and plankton, were buried under layers of sediment.

Today, crude oil is predominantly found in two major locations: under dry land and under the ocean. This is because the organic materials that eventually turned into crude oil were primarily deposited in these two environments.

Under dry land, crude oil is typically found in underground reservoirs or oil fields. These reservoirs are created when porous rocks, such as sandstone or limestone, act as storage spaces for the oil. When drilling takes place, the oil is extracted from these reservoirs.

Under the ocean, crude oil can also be found in offshore oil reserves. Similar to land-based reservoirs, these offshore reserves are also located within porous rocks beneath the ocean floor. Oil drilling platforms are used to extract the oil from beneath the ocean.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Crude oil is found under dry land and under the ocean.