Which of Krakauer's strategies best supports his ability to gain a deeper understanding of who McCandless was as a person?

Researching to discover the probable cause of McCandless's death

Interviewing McCandless's family and the people he met in the last months of his life

Structuring the text so that we learn the details of McCandless's last days only after getting to know him

Describing the terrain and environment where McCandless died

B. Interviewing McCandless's family and the people he met in the last months of his life

The strategy that best supports Krakauer's ability to gain a deeper understanding of who McCandless was as a person is option B: interviewing McCandless's family and the people he met in the last months of his life. By conducting interviews with the people who knew McCandless personally or were acquainted with him during his journey, Krakauer is able to provide insights into his character, motivations, and interactions with others. This firsthand information helps to paint a more nuanced and complete picture of McCandless as an individual.

To determine which of Krakauer's strategies best supports his ability to gain a deeper understanding of who McCandless was as a person, let's analyze each option and see which one aligns more closely with that goal:

A. Researching to discover the probable cause of McCandless's death:
While researching the cause of McCandless's death might provide valuable insights into his final moments, it may not necessarily give a deeper understanding of who he was as a person. It focuses more on the circumstances of his death rather than his personal characteristics or motivations.

B. Interviewing McCandless's family and the people he met in the last months of his life:
This strategy is a strong contender as it directly involves engaging with the people who were close to McCandless and those he interacted with in his final months. By interviewing his family and acquaintances, Krakauer gains valuable firsthand insights and personal anecdotes that can provide a deeper understanding of McCandless as a person.

C. Structuring the text so that we learn the details of McCandless's last days only after getting to know him:
This strategy, known as a delayed revelation, can enhance the reader's understanding of McCandless's motivations and personality. By first introducing McCandless and delving into his background, Krakauer establishes a context that makes the details of his last days more meaningful. Through this structure, the reader can better empathize with McCandless and understand why he made certain choices.

D. Describing the terrain and environment where McCandless died:
While describing the terrain and environment provides important context for understanding the physical challenges McCandless faced, it may not directly contribute to gaining a deeper understanding of him as a person. It focuses more on the external factors rather than his internal thoughts, emotions, and motivations.

Taking all this into consideration, the strategy that best supports Krakauer's ability to gain a deeper understanding of who McCandless was as a person is B. Interviewing McCandless's family and the people he met in the last months of his life. By directly engaging with those closest to McCandless and getting firsthand accounts and perspectives, Krakauer can gather intimate insights into McCandless's personality, motivations, and the impact he had on others, all of which contribute to a more profound understanding of who he was as an individual.