Drag the tiles to the boxes to form correct pairs.

Match each term to its definition.
a logical argument showing
that a theorem is true
a statement that requires
a given definition assumed
to be true

proof - a logical argument showing that a theorem is true

a statement that requires proof - a given definition assumed to be true
theorem - a statement that requires proof
axiom - a given definition assumed to be true

proof - a logical argument showing that a theorem is true

theorem - a statement that requires proof
axiom - a given definition assumed to be true

To answer this question, you need to match each term to its correct definition. Here's how you can do it:

1. Read through each term (proof, a statement that requires proof, a given definition assumed to be true, theorem, axiom) and its respective definition.
2. Start by dragging the term "proof" to its definition, which is "a logical argument showing that a theorem is true."
3. Continue by dragging the term "a statement that requires proof" to its corresponding definition.
4. Proceed by dragging the term "a given definition assumed to be true" to its correct definition.
5. Finally, drag the term "theorem" to its definition, and then move the term "axiom" to its appropriate definition.

By following these steps, you will be able to match each term with its correct definition and complete the task.