A club needs to sell 250 popcorn to reach their goal. At the end they have sold 266 and met their goal. What is the percent of error? Round to the nearest whole number.

To find the percent of error, we first need to calculate the difference between the actual value and the goal value.

The actual value is 266 (they sold 266 popcorn) and the goal value is 250.
The difference is 266 - 250 = 16.
Next, we divide the difference by the goal value and multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage.
(16 / 250) × 100 = 6.4.
Rounding to the nearest whole number, the percent of error is 6%.

To calculate the percent of error, we need to find the difference between the actual value and the target value, and then express that difference as a percentage of the target value.

In this case, the target value is 250 popcorn, and they ended up selling 266 popcorn.

Step 1: Find the difference between the actual value and the target value:
266 - 250 = 16

Step 2: Convert the difference to a percentage of the target value:
Percent of error = (16 / 250) * 100

Step 3: Calculate:
Percent of error = 6.4

To round the percentage to the nearest whole number, we round 6.4 to 6.

Therefore, the percent of error is approximately 6%.

To find the percent of error, we can use the formula:

Percent of Error = ((|measured value - true value|) / true value) * 100

The measured value in this case is 266, the true value is 250, and we want to round the percent of error to the nearest whole number.

Using the formula:

Percent of Error = ((|266 - 250|) / 250) * 100 = 16 / 250 * 100 = 6.4

Rounding 6.4 to the nearest whole number, we get:

Percent of Error = 6%