
A second grade class sells 185 raffle tickets and wants to reach a total of 300.
A third grade class sells 265 and wants to reach a goal of 350.
Which class has fewer tickets left to sell to reach its goal?
Conjecture: The third grade class has to sell fewer tickets to reach its goal.

Kelli uses the number lines below to justify the conjecture. Which statement is true?

Two number lines. The first number line shows one hundred seventy-five, two hundred, two hundred twenty-five, two hundred fifty, two hundred seventy-five, and three hundred. The number one hundred eighty-five is graphed between one hundred seventy-five and two hundred. The second number line shows two hundred twenty-five, two hundred fifty, two hundred seventy-five, three hundred, three hundred twenty-five, and three hundred fifty. The number two hundred sixty-five is graphed between two hundred fifty and two hundred seventy-five.

(1 point)

The number lines show that the distance from 185 to 300 is the same as the distance from 265 to 350.

The number lines show that the distance from 185 to 300 is the same as the distance from 265 to 350.

The number lines show that the distance from 185 to 300 is greater than the distance from 265 to 350.

The number lines show that the distance from 185 to 300 is greater than the distance from 265 to 350.

The number lines show that the distance from 185 to 300 is less than the distance from 265 to 350.

The number lines show that the distance from 185 to 300 is less than the distance from 265 to 350.

The number lines do not support the conjecture.

The number lines do not support the conjecture.
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The correct statement is: The number lines show that the distance from 185 to 300 is less than the distance from 265 to 350.