Large sky scrapers and building are drawn in graphite.

What principle of design is present in this image?
(1 point)

symmetrical balance from shape usage
symmetrical balance from shape usage

radial balance from line usage
radial balance from line usage

emphasis from color usage
emphasis from color usage

movement from texture usage
movement from texture usage
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The correct answer is symmetrical balance from shape usage.

The principle of design that is present in the image of large skyscrapers and buildings drawn in graphite is symmetrical balance from shape usage.

To determine the principle of design present in the image of large sky scrapers and buildings drawn in graphite, we need to understand the different principles of design and analyze the image.

The principles of design are guidelines that artists and designers use to organize the elements of art in a composition. Some common principles of design include balance, emphasis, movement, and unity.

In this case, the question presents four possible principles of design: symmetrical balance from shape usage, radial balance from line usage, emphasis from color usage, and movement from texture usage.

To identify the correct principle, we need to analyze the image. Take a close look at the drawing of the sky scrapers and buildings. Does the image show any clear symmetrical balance? Are the shapes used in a way that creates a balance between the left and right sides of the composition? If so, then the correct principle would be symmetrical balance from shape usage.

Similarly, if the image shows a clear radial balance, with lines radiating from a central point or axis, then the correct principle would be radial balance from line usage.

If the image has a clear focal point or areas of emphasis created through the use of color, then the correct principle would be emphasis from color usage.

Lastly, if the image shows a sense of movement or implied motion through the use of texture, then the correct principle would be movement from texture usage.

By analyzing the image and considering these different principles of design, you will be able to determine which one is present in the image of large sky scrapers and buildings drawn in graphite.