Distance = (velocity * 3.00 s) + (1/2 * 1.02 m/s^2 * (3.00 s)^2

To calculate the distance using the given equation:

Distance = (velocity * 3.00 s) + (1/2 * 1.02 m/s^2 * (3.00 s)^2)

Assuming you have values for velocity and acceleration, you can plug them into the equation:

Distance = (velocity * 3.00) + (0.5 * 1.02 * 9)

Simplifying the equation:

Distance = 3.00 * velocity + 4.59

The result will be in meters.

To calculate the distance, you can use the formula for displacement:

Distance = (velocity * time) + (1/2 * acceleration * time^2)

Given the values in the formula you provided:
- velocity: the initial velocity
- time: the elapsed time
- acceleration: the rate of change of velocity

You can plug in the values into the formula to find the distance.

Let's assume:
- velocity = 10 m/s
- time = 3.00 s
- acceleration = 1.02 m/s^2

Now substitute these values into the formula:

Distance = (10 m/s * 3.00 s) + (1/2 * 1.02 m/s^2 * (3.00 s)^2

First, calculate the terms within parentheses:

Distance = (30.00 m) + (1/2 * 1.02 m/s^2 * 9.00 s^2)

Next, calculate the exponent in the second term:

Distance = (30.00 m) + (1/2 * 1.02 m/s^2 * 81.00 s^2)

After that, multiply the value of acceleration by the squared time:

Distance = (30.00 m) + (0.51 m/s^2 * 81.00 s^2)

Finally, multiply the values to get the distance:

Distance = 30.00 m + 41.31 m

So, the total distance is 71.31 meters.

To calculate the distance traveled, follow these steps:

Step 1: Multiply the velocity by the time:

Velocity * Time = (velocity * 3.00 s)

Step 2: Square the time:

Time^2 = (3.00 s)^2

Step 3: Multiply the acceleration by 1/2:

Acceleration * (1/2) = (1/2 * 1.02 m/s^2)

Step 4: Multiply the result from step 3 by the square of the time from step 2:

(1/2 * 1.02 m/s^2) * (3.00 s)^2

Step 5: Add the results from step 1 and step 4 together:

(velocity * 3.00 s) + ((1/2 * 1.02 m/s^2) * (3.00 s)^2) = Distance traveled