According to some Indigenous African religions, what are witches?(1 point) Responses supernatural beings or lesser gods supernatural beings or lesser gods people believed to have magical power people believed to have magical power people who make medicines and amulets to protect others from witchcraft people who make medicines and amulets to protect others from witchcraft people viewed as both political and spiritual leaders

The correct response would be: people believed to have magical power

According to some Indigenous African religions, witches are typically viewed as people who are believed to have magical powers (1 point). They are often seen as possessing supernatural abilities or lesser gods, rather than individuals who make medicines or amulets to protect others from witchcraft. Additionally, witches are not necessarily viewed as political or spiritual leaders in these religions.

To find the answer to this question, we can start by conducting a search using a reliable search engine. By entering the keywords "witches in Indigenous African religions," we can find relevant information about the topic.

First, let's look at the options given:

1. Supernatural beings or lesser gods
2. People believed to have magical power
3. People who make medicines and amulets to protect others from witchcraft
4. People viewed as both political and spiritual leaders

Based on this list, it is clear that options 1 and 4 are not accurate descriptions of witches in Indigenous African religions. Let's focus on options 2 and 3.

According to the search results, witches in Indigenous African religions are commonly believed to be people who possess magical powers and who use these powers for various purposes. They are often perceived as having the ability to influence others, both positively and negatively, through the use of magic. They are commonly believed to have the ability to heal, protect, bring fortune, or cause harm depending on their intentions and the context.

Additionally, some Indigenous African religions associate witchcraft with the use of herbs, potions, or amulets. Witches may create and use these items to protect people from witchcraft or to counteract its effects.

Therefore, the most accurate answer to the question "according to some Indigenous African religions, what are witches?" would be:

- People believed to have magical power
- People who make medicines and amulets to protect others from witchcraft