Assess the consequences of European attempts to convert Indigenous peoples to Christianity. Which consequence most likely resulted from sacred Indigenous religions being banned by Europeans?


conquistadors immersing themselves in the cultures of local populations
conquistadors immersing themselves in the cultures of local populations - no response given

the loss of Indigenous religious texts
the loss of Indigenous religious texts - no response given

the preservation of Indigenous myths and history
the preservation of Indigenous myths and history - no response given

Christianity becoming a minor religion in South America

Christianity becoming a minor religion in South America. This consequence most likely resulted from sacred Indigenous religions being banned by Europeans. By banning Indigenous religions and forcing conversion to Christianity, the Europeans effectively suppressed Indigenous spiritual practices and traditions. This resulted in the loss of Indigenous religious texts and weakened the transmission of Indigenous myths and history. As a result, Christianity became the dominant religion in South America, with Indigenous religions becoming marginalized or extinct in many regions.

One consequence that most likely resulted from sacred Indigenous religions being banned by Europeans is the loss of Indigenous religious texts. Due to the suppression and prohibition of Indigenous spiritual practices, many sacred texts, rituals, and oral traditions were lost or destroyed. This eradication of religious texts and knowledge disrupted the continuity and transmission of Indigenous myths, history, and cultural practices. Therefore, the loss of Indigenous religious texts was a significant consequence of European attempts to convert Indigenous peoples to Christianity.