Why did missionaries attempt to align Indigenous gods with Catholic religious icons? (1 point)

• It allowed Indigenous peoples to continue practicing their religion but pretend to convert to Catholicism.
• It made Catholicism seem more familiar and the conversion process easier for Indigenous peoples
• Missionaries avoided any support or use of Indigenous cultural beliefs.
• It demonstrated the inadequacy of Catholic religious doctrine

The correct answer is:

• It made Catholicism seem more familiar and the conversion process easier for indigenous peoples.

The correct answer is:

• It made Catholicism seem more familiar and the conversion process easier for Indigenous peoples.

To understand why missionaries attempted to align Indigenous gods with Catholic religious icons, we need to consider the historical and religious context.

1. It allowed Indigenous peoples to continue practicing their religion but pretend to convert to Catholicism.
One possible reason missionaries attempted this alignment was to make the conversion process more appealing and less threatening to Indigenous peoples. By incorporating aspects of their traditional beliefs into Catholicism, missionaries sought to reconcile Indigenous practices and customs with the new religion. This approach aimed to give Indigenous peoples the impression that they could continue practicing their beliefs while also adopting Catholicism.

2. It made Catholicism seem more familiar and the conversion process easier for Indigenous peoples.
By aligning Indigenous gods with Catholic religious icons, missionaries aimed to bridge the cultural gap between Indigenous peoples and Catholicism. This strategy aimed to make the unfamiliar religion seem more relatable and understandable. By using familiar symbols and practices, Indigenous peoples could connect and relate to Catholicism more easily, thus facilitating the conversion process.

3. Missionaries avoided any support or use of Indigenous cultural beliefs.
Contrary to aligning Indigenous gods with Catholic icons, missionaries often discouraged or rejected Indigenous cultural beliefs in their evangelization efforts. The goal was to establish Catholicism as the dominant religion and suppress Indigenous spiritual practices. This approach sought to replace Indigenous beliefs with Catholic teachings and doctrines instead of incorporating them.

4. It demonstrated the inadequacy of Catholic religious doctrine.
The alignment of Indigenous gods with Catholic icons was not intended to demonstrate the inadequacy of Catholic religious doctrine. On the contrary, this approach aimed to adapt Catholicism to Indigenous cultures, emphasizing compatibility rather than inadequacy. By incorporating Indigenous gods, missionaries sought to show that Catholicism could encompass and fulfill the spiritual needs of Indigenous peoples.

In summary, missionaries attempted to align Indigenous gods with Catholic religious icons primarily to make the conversion process more appealing, bridge cultural gaps, and adapt Catholicism to Indigenous cultures. It was not intended as a demonstration of inadequacy or an avoidance of Indigenous beliefs (although suppression of these beliefs did occur in some cases).