What was Timbuktu’s greatest import?(1 point) Responses books books tourists tourists food food metal


Timbuktu's greatest import was books.

To find out what Timbuktu's greatest import was, we can research the historical significance and trade patterns of the region. Timbuktu, located in present-day Mali, was a prominent center of learning and trade during the medieval period.

One famous trade route that passed through Timbuktu was the Trans-Saharan trade route, which connected West Africa to the Mediterranean region. This trade route allowed for the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultures between different regions.

During this time, Timbuktu was known as a major hub for the import and export of goods. One of the significant imports to Timbuktu was books. The city thrived as a center of Islamic scholarship, and manuscripts from different parts of the Islamic world, particularly from the Arab world, were collected and traded in Timbuktu.

These manuscripts covered a wide range of subjects, including religious texts, scientific treatises, and literary works. The importation of books contributed greatly to the intellectual and cultural development of Timbuktu, fostering a unique academic environment that attracted scholars from far and wide.

Therefore, the answer to your question is books.