What was Timbuktu’s greatest import?(1 point)







To determine Timbuktu's greatest import, we can look at the history and trade patterns of the city. Timbuktu, located in present-day Mali, was a major trading center in Africa during the medieval period. It gained renown for being a hub of commerce, particularly in regard to the trans-Saharan trade routes.

One of Timbuktu's most notable imports was books. During the 13th to 17th centuries, Timbuktu became a renowned center of Islamic learning with numerous Quranic schools and libraries. Scholars and students flocked to the city to access its vast collection of manuscripts, which covered a wide range of subjects including theology, astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and more. These books were often obtained through trade with other regions in Africa or brought by scholars and merchants traveling through the Sahara.

While food and metal were undoubtedly essential imports as well, Timbuktu's reputation as a center of learning and intellectualism was largely due to its extensive book trade and scholarly activities. Therefore, among the given options, books would be considered Timbuktu's greatest import.

The greatest import of Timbuktu was books.