we want to transmit 'A' with even parity and one stop bit. draw the packet. the ASCII code for 'A' is 41H.

To transmit the character 'A' with even parity and one stop bit, we need to construct the packet as follows:

1. Start Bit: The start bit is always 0 and indicates the start of the transmission.

2. Data Bits: The ASCII code for 'A' is 41H, which is 0100 0001 in binary. We need to add an additional bit for even parity, resulting in 7 data bits (D6 to D0). The even parity bit will be set to ensure an even number of 1s in the data bits and parity bit combined.

3. Parity Bit: The parity bit is calculated based on the data bits. In this case, since there are two 1s in the data bits (D1 and D0), the parity bit will be set to 0 to maintain even parity.

4. Stop Bit: The stop bit is always 1 and indicates the end of the transmission.

Putting it all together, the packet for transmitting 'A' with even parity and one stop bit would be:

Start Bit | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 | Parity Bit | Stop Bit
0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1

Note: The bits are written from left to right, with the start bit being the leftmost bit and the stop bit being the rightmost bit.

To transmit the character 'A' with even parity and one stop bit, you will need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the ASCII code of 'A' to binary representation.
ASCII code for 'A' is 41H, which in binary is 01000001.

Step 2: Add the parity bit.
To achieve even parity, count the number of '1' bits in the binary representation. If the count is odd, add a '1' as the parity bit. If the count is even, add a '0' as the parity bit. In this case, the binary representation of 'A' has 3 '1' bits, so we will add a '1' as the parity bit. The new binary representation becomes 010000011.

Step 3: Add the stop bit.
Since we want to transmit with one stop bit, we only need to add a '0' as the stop bit. The final binary packet becomes 0100000110.

Step 4: Draw the packet. Each bit will be represented by a square or a rectangular box. You can draw the packet like this:

___ ___ ___ ___ _____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
| S | | 0 | | 1 | | 0 | | 0 | | 0 | | 1 | | 1 | | 0 | | S |
--- --- --- --- ----- --- --- --- --- ---

* S: Start bit (always 0 for ASCII characters)
* 0, 1, ..., n: Represents the bits in the binary representation of 'A'
* S: Stop bit (always 0 for one stop bit)

Please note that the actual physical representation of the packet may vary depending on the encoding and transmission medium used.

To transmit 'A' with even parity and one stop bit, we need to create a packet consisting of the Start bit (0), the 8-bit ASCII code for 'A', a parity bit to ensure even parity, and then the Stop bit (1).

Here's how the packet would look:

Start bit: 0
ASCII code for 'A': 01000001
Parity bit: 0 (for even parity, this bit is set so that the total number of 1s in the data, including the parity bit, is even)
Stop bit: 1

Putting it all together, the packet for transmitting 'A' with even parity and one stop bit would be:

0 01000001 0 1

Note: The parity bit is calculated based on the data. In this case, since the ASCII code for 'A' (41H) has an even number of '1' bits (2), the data already has even parity, so the parity bit remains '0'.