Write an assembly program on the emu8086 that:

Load AL by an arbitrary number, if there is parity even, transfer 80H to the Port 0, and if there is parity odd, transfer 01H to the Port 0.

Assuming that the port 0 is a parallel port:

org 100h ; set code start address to 100h

mov ah, 0 ; set up the environment for writing to port
mov dx, 378h

; load AL with an arbitrary number
mov al, 55h

; check parity of AL
mov bl, al ; save AL
and al, 1 ; AL AND 00000001b
jz even ; jump to even if the result is zero (even parity)
; odd case
mov al, 1 ; set AL to 01h
jmp write ; jump to writing to port

mov al, 80h ; set AL to 80h

out dx, al ; write AL to port

; end of program

Note that the program assumes that the parallel port address is 378h. You may need to adjust this value depending on your system configuration. Also, the program does not include any error checking or handling, so it may not work as intended in all cases.

Sure! Here's an assembly program that can be run on the emu8086 emulator to achieve the desired functionality:

.model small
.stack 100h


main proc
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax

; Prompt user for an arbitrary number
mov ah, 09h
lea dx, prompt
int 21h

; Read the input from user and store it in AL
mov ah, 01h
int 21h

; Check the parity of the number in AL
mov bl, al
mov cl, 1
xor al, al
test bl, cl
jnz odd_parity

; Even parity: transfer 80H to Port 0
mov al, 80H
out 00h, al
jmp exit_program

; Odd parity: transfer 01H to Port 0
mov al, 01H
out 00h, al

mov ah, 4Ch
int 21h

main endp

end main


In this program, we prompt the user to enter an arbitrary number. The program then checks the parity of the number: if the parity is even, it transfers the value 80H to Port 0; if the parity is odd, it transfers the value 01H to Port 0. Finally, the program exits.

Note: This program assumes that the emu8086 emulator is running on a system that has a Port 0 for I/O operations. Please make sure to adapt the code accordingly if you're running it on a different system or emulator.