Which statement could show that a drug abuser is ready for treatment?

(1 point)

“I can’t stop using on my own and need help to stop.”
“I can’t stop using on my own and need help to stop.”

“I can use less if I want to.”
“I can use less if I want to.”

“I can’t buy any more since my contact got arrested.”
“I can’t buy any more since my contact got arrested.”

“I’ll use just a small dose of cocaine so I can quit marijuana.”

“I can’t stop using on my own and need help to stop.”

Which is not a way to help restore family stability when dealing with a drug problem?

(1 point)

Join a program specifically for family members of drug abusers.
Join a program specifically for family members of drug abusers.

Stay quiet until the abuser asks for help.
Stay quiet until the abuser asks for help.

Work at understanding the underlying cause for a person’s drug abuse.
Work at understanding the underlying cause for a person’s drug abuse.

Get involved in the person’s treatment.

Stay quiet until the abuser asks for help.

What should you say when you refuse drugs?

(1 point)

You should give reasons only if asked.
You should give reasons only if asked.

You should never give reasons.
You should never give reasons.

You should clearly state your personal reasons.
You should clearly state your personal reasons.

You should give reasons your peers want to hear.

You should clearly state your personal reasons.

Which types of skills are needed to say no in situations when others are pressuring you to do something against your will?

(1 point)

denial skills
denial skills

tolerance skills
tolerance skills

problem-solving skills
problem-solving skills

refusal skills

refusal skills

Which is not a helpful action to avoid using drugs?

(1 point)

doing a physical activity
doing a physical activity

thinking about what it might be like to take drugs
thinking about what it might be like to take drugs


joining a youth group

thinking about what it might be like to take drugs

How can you be effective during a role-play with your classmates about refusing drugs?

(1 point)

by appearing to think about it before refusing
by appearing to think about it before refusing

by clearly stating your personal reasons for not taking drugs
by clearly stating your personal reasons for not taking drugs

by asking your friends what they think you should do
by asking your friends what they think you should do

by being quiet or nervous when you respond