Express in simplest radical form.


√50 = √(25 * 2) = √25 * √2 = 5√2. So √50 in simplest radical form is 5√2.

To express √50 in simplest radical form, we need to determine a perfect square factor of 50.

The prime factorization of 50 is 2 x 5 x 5.

Since 5 is a perfect square, we can simplify:

√50 = √(2 x 5 x 5) = √(2 x 25) = √2 x √25 = 5√2

So, √50 in simplest radical form is 5√2.

To express √50 in simplest radical form, we need to find the largest square number that can divide into 50. In this case, that number is 25. Therefore, we can rewrite 50 as 25 * 2.

Taking the square root of 25 gives us √25, which simplifies to 5.

So, √50 can be expressed in simplest radical form as 5√2.