Solve for mm. Express your answer in simplest radical form if necessary.


No idea what you are trying to type.

use * for multiplication
/ for division
^ for exponent , e.g. 2^3 = 8
and use brackets to establish the correct order of operation.
copy and paste √ if you need it.


To solve for mm, we need to isolate the variable m.

-1000 = m^3

To remove the cube, we can take the cube root of both sides:

∛(-1000) = ∛(m^3)

Simplifying the cube root of -1000 gives us:

-10 = m

Therefore, the value of mm is -10.

To solve for mm in the equation -1000 = m^3/m^3, where m is a variable, we can follow these steps:

1. Simplify the equation by canceling out the m^3 on both sides:
-1000 = 1

2. Since -1000 is not equal to 1, this equation has no solution.

Therefore, there is no value for mm that satisfies the equation -1000 = m^3/m^3.