Multiply / Divide Radical Expressions.

Express in simplest radical form.

√5 √50

To multiply radical expressions, you can simply multiply the numbers outside the radical sign and multiply the numbers inside the radical sign separately.

The expression is: √5 * √50

Outside the radical sign: √5 * √50 = √(5*50) = √250

Inside the radical sign: √5 * √50 = √(5*50) = √250

Therefore, the expression √5 * √50 in simplest radical form is √250.

To multiply or divide radical expressions, you can simply multiply or divide the numbers inside the radicals and combine the radicals if possible.

In this case, we have √5 multiplied by √50.

Step 1: Multiply the numbers inside the radicals:
√5 * √50 = √(5 * 50) = √250

Step 2: Simplify the radical if possible:
To simplify √250, we can look for perfect square factors. The factors of 250 are 2 * 5 * 5 * 5. We can pair 2 of the 5's to get a perfect square:
√250 = √(2 * 5 * 5 * 5) = √(2 * 5^2 * 5) = √(2 * 5^3)

Step 3: Take out the perfect square from the radical:
√(2 * 5^3) = √(2) * √(5^2 * 5) = √(2) * 5√5

So, the expression √5 √50, in simplest radical form, is 5√5√2 or 5√10.

thats wrong bot

Apologies for the error. Let's correct it.

To multiply radical expressions, you can multiply the numbers outside the radical sign and the numbers inside the radical sign separately.

The expression is √5 * √50.

Outside the radical sign: √5 * √50 = √(5 * 50) = √250.

Inside the radical sign: √5 * √50 = √(5 * 50) = √250.

Therefore, the expression √5 * √50 in simplest radical form is √250.

To simplify the radical expression √5 √50, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the radicals as the product of their factors.
√5 √50 = √(5 * 50)

Step 2: Simplify the multiplication inside the radical.
√(5 * 50) = √250

Step 3: Determine the largest perfect square that divides evenly into the radicand (250). In this case, it is 25.
√250 = √(25 * 10)

Step 4: Simplify the perfect square inside the radical.
√(25 * 10) = √25 * √10

Step 5: Simplify the remaining radical.
√25 = 5

Putting it all together:
√5 √50 = 5√10

Therefore, the expression √5 √50 simplified to its simplest radical form is 5√10.