Which statement best compares the outcomes sought by capitalists and communists? (1 point) Responses Capitalists wanted the abolition of the state in favor of a classless society, while communists believed that the state should only protect private property. Capitalists wanted the abolition of the state in favor of a classless society, while communists believed that the state should only protect private property. Capitalists believed that the state should only protect private property, while communists wanted the government to create laws limiting child labor and low wages. Capitalists believed that the state should only protect private property, while communists wanted the government to create laws limiting child labor and low wages. Capitalists believed that the state should enact policies to protect domestic industries, while communists wanted the abolition of the state in favor of a classless society. Capitalists believed that the state should enact policies to protect domestic industries, while communists wanted the abolition of the state in favor of a classless society. Capitalists believed that the state should only protect private property, while communists wanted the abolition of the state in favor of a classless society.

Capitalists believed that the state should only protect private property, while communists wanted the abolition of the state in favor of a classless society.

The correct answer is: "Capitalists believed that the state should only protect private property, while communists wanted the abolition of the state in favor of a classless society."

The statement that best compares the outcomes sought by capitalists and communists is: "Capitalists believed that the state should only protect private property, while communists wanted the abolition of the state in favor of a classless society."

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the ideological differences between capitalists and communists. Capitalism is an economic and political system in which trade and industry are privately owned and operated for profit. Capitalists believe in the protection of private property rights and free markets, where individuals have the freedom to own, produce, and exchange goods and services.

On the other hand, communism is a socio-economic structure in which all property is owned by the community and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. Communists seek the eventual abolition of the state and the establishment of a classless society.

Given these definitions, the statement that states capitalists believe the state should only protect private property, while communists desire the abolition of the state in favor of a classless society, is the most accurate comparison of the outcomes sought by the two ideologies.