Which statement best compares the outcomes sought by

capitalists and communists? (1 point)
Capitalists believed that the state should only protect
private property, while communists wanted the
government to create laws limiting child labor and low
Capitalists wanted the abolition of the state in favor of a
classless society, while communists believed that the state
should only protect private property.
Capitalists believed that the state should enact policies to
protect domestic industries, while communists wanted the
abolition of the state in favor of a classless society.
Capitalists believed that the state should only protect
private property, while communists wanted the abolition of
the state in favor of a classless society.

The statement that best compares the outcomes sought by capitalists and communists is: "Capitalists believed that the state should only protect private property, while communists wanted the abolition of the state in favor of a classless society."

The statement that best compares the outcomes sought by capitalists and communists is:

Capitalists believed that the state should only protect private property, while communists wanted the abolition of the state in favor of a classless society.

The correct statement that best compares the outcomes sought by capitalists and communists is:

Capitalists believed that the state should only protect private property, while communists wanted the abolition of the state in favor of a classless society.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the basic principles and objectives of capitalism and communism.

Capitalism is an economic system where the means of production, distribution, and exchange are owned and controlled by private individuals or entities. Capitalists believe in the importance of individual freedoms and property rights. They argue that the state should primarily focus on protecting private property and ensuring a free market with minimal government interference. Capitalists aim for economic growth, profit maximization, and the accumulation of wealth, which they believe will lead to overall prosperity and progress.

Communism, on the other hand, is a socio-economic system where the means of production are owned and controlled by the community as a whole. Communists advocate for the abolition of private property and the establishment of a classless society. They argue that the state should be eliminated in order to remove class divisions and create a society based on equality, cooperation, and shared resources. Communists seek to redistribute wealth and establish economic and social equality among all members of society.

Comparing these two systems, we can see that while capitalists focus on the protection of private property and the operation of a market-based economy, communists strive for the abolition of private property and the establishment of a society free from class distinctions. Therefore, the statement stating that capitalists believed that the state should only protect private property, while communists wanted the abolition of the state in favor of a classless society, is the most accurate comparison of their outcomes.