In 1–2 sentences, analyze in what ways institutional racism exists today despite the equal protections guaranteed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Institutional racism persists today through various means such as systemic biases in law enforcement, education, employment, and housing, resulting in disparities and unequal treatment for marginalized communities, despite the legal protections outlined in the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Institutional racism persists today through policies and practices that disproportionately affect marginalized communities, including discriminatory practices in housing, education, employment, criminal justice, and healthcare systems.

Institutional racism persists today through various means such as discriminatory hiring practices, racial profiling in law enforcement, disparities in school funding, and unequal access to healthcare, which continue to perpetuate systemic inequalities and limit opportunities for marginalized communities. To further understand the depth and breadth of institutional racism, one can examine statistical data, research studies, and testimonies from affected individuals or communities.