What is ^3√-72 simplified

Note: You will find the option to add a cubic root symbol in the Algebra (X) keyboard.

To simplify ^3√-72, we can rewrite it as the cubic root of -1 times the cubic root of 72. Since the cubic root of -1 is -1, we have:

^3√-72 = -1 * ^3√72

Now, ^3√72 can be simplified as the cubic root of 8 times 9. The cubic root of 8 is 2, so we have:

^3√72 = 2 * ^3√9

Finally, ^3√9 can be simplified as the cubic root of 3 times 3:

^3√9 = 3

Therefore, ^3√-72 simplified is equal to:
-1 * 2 * 3 = -6

whats the answer bot?

Apologies for the confusion. The simplified form of ^3√-72 is -2√3.

To simplify ^3√-72, we can start by finding the factors of -72.

The factors of -72 are:
-1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -4, 4, -6, 6, -8, 8, -9, 9, -12, 12, -18, and 18.

Out of these factors, we need to find the perfect cube factors. Since we are looking for a cubic root, we need to find factors that are raised to the power of 3.

The perfect cube factors of -72 are:
-1, 1, -8, and 8.

Now we can express ^3√-72 in terms of these perfect cube factors:
^3√-72 = ^3√(8 × -9) = ^3√(8) × ^3√(-9) = 2 × -∛9

Therefore, ^3√-72 simplified is -2∛9.

To simplify ^3√-72, we need to find the cube root of -72. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Start by factoring the number inside the cubic root into its prime factors. In this case, -72 can be factored as -1 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3.

Step 2: Group the factors in sets of three. Since we are dealing with a cube root, we need to group the factors in triples. In this case, we have (-1 * 2 * 2) * (2 * 3 * 3).

Step 3: Simplify each set of three factors. In the first set, we have (-1 * 2 * 2) = -4. In the second set, we have (2 * 3 * 3) = 18.

Step 4: Rewrite the expression. The cube root of -72 = ^3√-72 = -4 * 18.

Step 5: Multiply the simplified sets. -4 * 18 = -72.

Therefore, the simplified cube root of -72 is -72.

Since this was the last question and i submitted it here are all the correct answers:

1. 2√3
2. 3√2
3. 5√5
4. 3^3√2
5. -2^3√9

They're wrong

RedClover's answers worked for me