What is −72−−−−√3 simplified? Note: You will find the option to add a cubic root symbol in the Algebra ( × ) keyboard. (1 point)

The expression −72−−−−√3 simplified is -72 + √3.

I find this answer incorrect pls try again

Apologies for the incorrect response earlier. Let's simplify the expression again:

To simplify −72−−−−√3, we need to perform the operation inside the square root first. The negative sign in front of the square root indicates that it is a negative square root.

The negative square root of 3 is denoted as −√3, which means √3 is multiplied by -1.

So, the expression becomes −72−(−1)√3.

To simplify further, we can combine like terms.

Note that −(−1) is equal to 1.

Therefore, the simplified expression is −72 + √3.

To simplify the expression −72−−−−√3, we first need to evaluate the cube root of 3.

The cube root of 3 can be written as ∛3.

So, we have: −72−∛3.

Therefore, the expression −72−−−−√3 simplified is −72−∛3.

To simplify the expression −72−−−−√3, we need to find the value of the cubic root of 3 and then perform the subtraction. Here's how you can do that:

1. Start by finding the value of the cubic root of 3. In most cases, this value is not an exact integer but can be approximated. You can use a calculator or an online tool to find it.

2. Once you have the approximate value of the cubic root of 3, substitute it into the expression.

3. Perform the subtraction.

Without knowing the exact value of the cubic root of 3, it is not possible to provide the simplified answer.