a soccer game is 90 minutes with m minutes of stoppage time. the total time is 90+m. how ling is the game with 23 minutes stoppage time?

102 minutes
113 minutes
78 minutes
67 minutes

The game is 90 minutes plus the amount of stoppage time, which is 23 minutes.

So, the total time is 90 + 23 = 113 minutes.

Therefore, the game with 23 minutes stoppage time is 113 minutes.

The correct answer is 113 minutes.

To determine the total time of the soccer game with 23 minutes of stoppage time, we need to add 90 minutes (regular game time) to the stoppage time.

Total time = 90 + 23
Total time = 113 minutes

Therefore, the game is 113 minutes long.

To find the total time of the soccer game with 23 minutes of stoppage time, you need to add the 90 minutes of the regular game time to the stoppage time.

So, the total time is equal to: 90 minutes + 23 minutes = 113 minutes.

Therefore, the correct answer is 113 minutes.